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Designing External Space for Elderly Wellbeing

医疗保健和生活方式的改善大大提高了预期寿命,因此, 更多的人在晚年需要某种形式的持续护理. Consequently, 护理环境面临越来越大的压力,需要支持一系列复杂的用户需求, including access to fresh air and outdoor space. A study conducted in...

By Richard Wild


May 18, 2018

医疗保健和生活方式的改善大大提高了预期寿命,因此, 更多的人在晚年需要某种形式的持续护理. Consequently, 护理环境面临越来越大的压力,需要支持一系列复杂的用户需求, including access to fresh air and outdoor space.

A study 该研究在美国进行,并由国际期刊发表, World Health Design, 探索外部环境的质量如何积极影响长期医疗保健机构中的老年居民在户外度过时间的准备. As designers, 因此,特别重要的是,我们包含了广泛的刺激, 高品质的户外设施,鼓励老年患者独立安全地享受这样的治疗空间.

The Dementia Centre at Stirling University reports that for people with dementia, 户外空间提供了一个熟悉的活动场所,比如给植物浇水, or playing games, as well as providing vitamin D through exposure to natural light. 进入外部空间也提供了与他人交流和回忆的机会, helping to trigger memories.

中心亦提倡空间应提供精心设计的活动空间,让市民有机会锻炼身体, 通过种植精心挑选的植物来刺激感官, touch and sound. Residents provided with regular access to fresh air and exercise, as well as quiet reflection areas, are much less likely to become distressed and aggravated, 特别是如果他们习惯于户外活动和积极的追求.

任何户外空间都需要包含一系列的移动性和感官问题, while taking into account the changing needs of users, without making the space feel institutional. 例如,物体和图片可以帮助痴呆症患者寻路.g. door mats and hanging baskets to mark an entrance, 雕塑般的树木或感官植物有助于区分不同的空间, and visual markers to help guide them along a route. This approach is supported in an article by The Dementia Society该研究指出,痴呆症患者比空间布局更能识别和回忆地标.

For this reason, 重要的是,外部路径总是循环回到起点,同时避免突然的方向变化或死胡同. 表面应均匀完成,避免颜色变化和图案可能被误认为是水平或地面上物体的变化. Where mobility is an issue, 扶手可以鼓励个人在没有帮助的情况下探索外部空间,而带扶手的凸起座椅为行动不便的用户提供了休息的地方.

种植不仅提供感官上的好处,还有助于团体活动, it also provides seasonal interest and encourages wildlife. In a healthcare setting, planting can be used to help screen views into residents’ bedrooms, 同时也为那些无法进入室外空间的人从建筑内部创造了迷人的景观.

Woodland View, an award winning adult mental health facility designed by IBI Group, adopts many of these approaches to dementia design. 公共和私人空间通过使用结构化的植物和精心定位的行人路线来定义, sensitively linked to the local natural and built environment. Through the incorporation of well-considered spaces and planting, 开发项目的22个庭院空间响应了不同服务群体的特定身体和情感需求,包括老年人的心理健康, acute mental health, addictions and rehabilitation. 这鼓励一系列的活动,如园艺,而在同一时间, providing contemplative spaces for staff and visitors.

长者院落的设计优先考虑安全的使用者通道,并设有扶手和固定的座位. Raised planters address the physical limitations of users, facilitating participation in group activities. 特定种类的植物和熟悉的物品被挑选出来,以帮助唤起人们对过去海边度假或农舍花园的回忆, 同时,灌木和树木被用来标记路线沿线的空间,创造一个令人安心的外部环境.

The overall non-institutional design, inspired by the surrounding coastal and woodland environment, supports the service user journey to recovery; building confidence, 提供选择,为过渡家庭和重返社区铺平道路.


Image by Daniele Da Luz from Pixabay

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